
Refresh Your Memory with K2

Feel like your brain is moving a little slower than normal? Do you sometimes forget things like where you parked your car or your neighbor’s kid’s name?

If you want your brain to be sharp and quick-thinking, you’ll need to enlist the help of a vitamin you’re almost certainly not getting enough of. 

Because until very recently, scientists didn’t realize just how important this nutrient is for brain health. In fact, people who don’t get enough are more likely to experience cognitive decline… dementia… even Alzheimer’s. (1)

But you can take proactive steps to protect your brain power, refresh your memory, and keep the ideas flowing. And the sooner you start making sure you’re getting plenty of this vitamin, the better.

Vitamin K2 Delivers Bountiful Brain Benefits

When your cognition slows, it can take longer to remember things you know that you know. Names, words, and ideas can feel like they’re just out of reach. And some days you may feel like your brain is stuck in the mud, where trying to pull out the right thought takes enormous effort. 

Some people just chalk that up to aging and accept that their brains just aren’t as energized as before. But the truth is, giving your brain the right nutrients and support can turn the power back to high no matter how old you are. Vitamin K2 might not be high on that nutrient list, but it should be. 

Research shows that vitamin K2:

  • Helps maintain clear cognition and computer-like memory (2)
  • Slows down age-related changes in the brain (3)
  • Protects and restores memory after anesthesia and surgery (4)

All those benefits stem from the many ways vitamin K2 protects and preserves brain cells.

brain health

8 Ways Vitamin K2 Protects Brain Cells

Vitamin K2 is best known for its role in creating strong, dense bones and safeguarding blood vessels. But exciting new research has found that this key nutrient plays a significant role in defending and maintaining healthy brain cells. 

Here are 8 important ways that vitamin K2 keeps your brain in top shape for lightning-speed thinking and recall. Vitamin K2:

  1. Helps create special fats called sphingolipids that are crucial to brain cell development and survival (5)
  2. Keeps blood flowing smoothly to all areas of the brain (6)
  3. Protects against amyloid beta proteins, which can kill brain cells (7)
  4. Encourages healthy inflammatory responses (8)
  5. Defends brain cells against deadly free radicals (9)
  6. Delivers antioxidant power and increases glutathione – the body’s master antioxidant – in brain cells (10)
  7. Keeps brain cells’ energy centers – mitochondria – strong and healthy (11)
  8. Improves communication between brain cells (12)

More and more doctors and scientists are realizing how crucial vitamin K2 is for healthy brain function. Unfortunately, most people don’t get nearly as much as they need to keep their brains sharp. 

Why You Probably Aren’t Getting Enough K2

Even if you eat a super healthy diet, you’re probably not getting enough vitamin K2. And that’s not your fault – it’s really hard to get enough of this key nutrient through diet alone. That’s why so many people in the Western world are K2-deficient. (13)

Very few foods contain high levels of K2, and most of them are foods you probably don’t eat regularly. Foods rich in vitamin K2 include:

  • Natto (a fermented soybean dish)
  • Egg yolks
  • Dark meat chicken
  • Dairy products from grass-fed cows (other dairy products won’t do here)
  • Goose liver

So the best way to make sure you’re getting enough of this critical nutrient is to take a high-quality vitamin K2 supplement. And that’s trickier than it sounds.

First - It’s important to note: There are two main types of vitamin K… K1 and K2. (14) The two work in completely different ways. In fact, they’re so different they don ‘t even coexist in the same natural foods. Vitamin K1’s main gig is ensuring healthy blood clotting. 

Vitamin K2 has hundreds of responsibilities – that’s why there are several different forms of vitamin K2 called menaquinones, or MKs. Those range from MK-4 to MK-13. The most absorbable and important form is MK-7, which is also called vitamin K2-7. So when you’re supplementing, K2-7 is the form you want to look for.

Enjoy Sharp Memory and Clear Thinking with Vitamin K2

Vitamin K2 does so much in the body that you need plenty of it to stay vital and healthy. And because this critical nutrient is hard to get through diet alone, you’ll need another source of it to keep your brain running on all cylinders. And that’s where Just Thrive Vitamin K2-7 can make a difference.

To make sure your brain gets the most out of your supplement, Just Thrive Vitamin K2-7:

  • Contains all-natural, pharmaceutical-grade vitamin K2-7 
  • Includes necessary co-factors magnesium, zinc, and vitamin K1 to fully unlock all of K2’s power and potential
  • Provides the optimal dose of 320 mcg daily

Just Thrive Vitamin K2-7 delivers the nutrient your brain needs to function at top speed…sparking your thoughts and creativity. 

>> Try Just Thrive Vitamin K2-7 today and save 22% with a subscription

Not sure if you’re ready to try Just Thrive Vitamin K2-7? We hear you… And hear this – We’re so confident that when you take Just Thrive Vitamin K2-7 as directed, you’ll notice the bountiful brain benefits. But if you aren’t completely happy, you’re 100% protected.

Every Just Thrive purchase comes with a Bottom of the Bottle, 100% money back guarantee. If you’re not satisfied with your purchase for any reason, you can request a refund at any time. It doesn’t matter if it’s been 3 days… 3 weeks… or 3 months. It doesn’t even matter if the bottle is empty!

>> Try Vitamin K2-7 RISK FREE with the 100% money back guarantee

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  1. Booth SL, et al. Association of vitamin K with cognitive decline and neuropathology in community-dwelling older persons. Alzheimers Dement (N Y). 2022 Apr 20;8(1):e12255.
  2. Popescu A, German M. Vitamin K2 Holds Promise for Alzheimer's Prevention and Treatment. Nutrients. 2021 Jun 27;13(7):2206.
  3. Elkattawy HA, et al. Vitamin K2 (Menaquinone-7) Reverses Age-Related Structural and Cognitive Deterioration in Naturally Aging Rats. Antioxidants (Basel). 2022 Mar 8;11(3):514.
  4. Miao H, Dong Y, Zhang Y, Zheng H, Shen Y, Crosby G, Culley DJ, Marcantonio ER, Xie Z. Anesthetic Isoflurane or Desflurane Plus Surgery Differently Affects Cognitive Function in Alzheimer's Disease Transgenic Mice. Mol Neurobiol. 2018 Jul;55(7):5623-5638.
  5. Maresz K. Growing Evidence of a Proven Mechanism Shows Vitamin K2 Can Impact Health Conditions Beyond Bone and Cardiovascular. Integr Med (Encinitas). 2021 Aug;20(4):34-38.
  6. Lee B, Choi GM, Hong JP, Cho DE, Kim Y, Yeom M, Han JJ, Kim SR, Hahm DH. Menaquinone-7 ameliorates cerebrovascular calcification-associated memory decline in aged mice. Life Sci. 2022 Oct 15;307:120912.
  7. Huang SH, Fang ST, Chen YC. Molecular Mechanism of Vitamin K2 Protection against Amyloid-β-Induced Cytotoxicity. Biomolecules. 2021 Mar 13;11(3):423. The pathological role of vitamin K2 in Alzheimer's disease
  8. Emekli-Alturfan E, Alturfan AA. The emerging relationship between vitamin K and neurodegenerative diseases: a review of current evidence. Mol Biol Rep. 2023 Jan;50(1):815-828.
  9. Shandilya S, Kesari KK, Ruokolainen J. Vitamin K2 Modulates Organelle Damage and Tauopathy Induced by Streptozotocin and Menadione in SH-SY5Y Cells. Antioxidants (Basel). 2021 Jun 20;10(6):983.
  10. Hadipour E, Tayarani-Najaran Z, Fereidoni M. Vitamin K2 protects PC12 cells against Aβ (1-42) and H2O2-induced apoptosis via p38 MAP kinase pathway. Nutr Neurosci. 2020 May;23(5):343-352.
  11. Tang H, Zheng Z, Wang H, Wang L, Zhao G, Wang P. Vitamin K2 Modulates Mitochondrial Dysfunction Induced by 6-Hydroxydopamine in SH-SY5Y Cells via Mitochondrial Quality-Control Loop. Nutrients. 2022 Apr 4;14(7):1504.
  12. Ramazani E, Fereidoni M, Tayarani-Najaran Z. Protective effects of vitamin K2 on 6-OHDA-induced apoptosis in PC12 cells through modulation bax and caspase-3 activation. Mol Biol Rep. 2019 Dec;46(6):5777-5783.
  13. Schwalfenberg GK. Vitamins K1 and K2: The Emerging Group of Vitamins Required for Human Health. J Nutr Metab. 2017;2017:6254836. doi: 10.1155/2017/6254836. Epub 2017 Jun 18. PMID: 28698808; PMCID: PMC5494092.
  14. Schwalfenberg GK. Vitamins K1 and K2: The Emerging Group of Vitamins Required for Human Health. J Nutr Metab. 2017;2017:6254836. doi: 10.1155/2017/6254836. Epub 2017 Jun 18. PMID: 28698808; PMCID: PMC5494092.